Monday, January 28, 2008


There has been some bloodshed in the vicinity of my backyard these last 24 hours.

My cat, a fat, cuddly orange tabby living on approximately the 8th of his 9th life, killed a bird yesterday. I was not at home, but Mr. P reported the bloody scene to me. Despite the cold that has settled in on us recently, Vinny begged to go out, and not 20 seconds later (no exaggeration), his paws were red with blood, feathers were sticking to his mouth, and he was already gnawing on his kill, a dove, who was not even completely dead. This was his first dove, I'm not sure why he did it, other than to prove he's still "got it" or something.

And because that wasn't quite gruesome enough, our neighbors bled a deer carcass in their backyard last night.

Our new next-door neighbors, renters in a house with a long line of strange tenants, are cross-bow hunters. We discovered their hunting interests on Christmas Day, as I watched them shoot bows at a target, sensing that this was no ordinary archery practice. I joked to Mr. P just the other day, "you'll see; one day they'll drag home a deer carcass." Well, the doomed deer made its appearance yesterday, and our lovely neighbors strung it up in the backyard by its feet and butchered it at 11 pm last night.

This is suburban DC, people! I don't even think that's legal.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My friends, after all my anticipation about a fresh new year, 2008 has hit me like a ton of bricks.

I got my wish to find better work: I started a new job – literally the first of the year – and it is my first administrative job in the arts world. Never mind that I haven’t been performing for over 6 months, besides a playreading or two; I’m now getting paid to help run a performing arts series. That has to be a good thing, but it has been an adjustment.

The learning curve at the job has been a steep, rugged climb. Typical of a performing arts series, they have money going in and out (mostly out) at a fast pace. They went from 2 staff members to 5 (3 part-time) in less than a year. They are struggling with administrative procedures. Most of the staff is not actually in the office most of the time. They still hand-write all their checks. I could go on, but I don’t want to sound like I’m complaining. I’m elated, actually, and I think I can help whip them into shape. And what I'm finding most exciting is how the web of the arts scene in DC is now revealing itself to me. In just two weeks at this office, I have learned so much about what is connected to whom, which artists work for this series, who among them I know and have worked with (many), and where much of the money comes from. It is fascinating, and I hope it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

I have felt so out of the loop in this town since I declared myself a “performer.” I go to auditions, but I know no one. I hear a little bit about this theater and that director, but I don’t know our seven degrees of separation. Then, there are many auditions happening that I don’t even know about. I hope in earnest that having my foot in the door now will open up my own opportunities.

In addition to the job, my home remodel is in its worst stages, and I cannot begin to describe the pandemonium in the house. Even though the house is starting to look like something, I still can’t just come home and relax on a sofa or read a book in an uncluttered or non-dusty corner. Again: not complaining, just praying for strength to get through it.

In summary: the urge to purge continues. New home, new career: it is all happening, but the growing pains hurt. But I am healthy!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Men without pants

So many funny stories have come up lately, and I have had nary a chance to share them. Today, however, gives me the opportunity to share the silliest, and shortest, of them. In DC this afternoon, about 200 people will ride the metro without pants. I haven't yet heard the reason for the stunt, but I hope it's in protest of the recent ridiculous rate hike.

So proud to be living in the nation's capital.