Monday, October 27, 2008

Happiness is a blue beret

What's blue, 16 years old, came from France, and has moved 7 times? Why, it's my blue beret, and it's come back to me after going AWOL for roughly a year and a half. As I've mentioned before, I've been reorganizing my life for around two years now, so my clothes and possessions have gone into limbo, some reappearing and some remaining lost. When I came across my old blue beret this morning completely by accident, I felt as if I had just run into an old friend.

I bought this beret when I first went to Paris as a student, and I know it's stereotypical to have a beret in France, but I didn't have a hat, and it gets cold there. I had to get it because it was made of wool and was big enough to fit my pumpkin head. I loved it then, and after all these years, it still looks the best on me of all my hats. Plus, it's still in my possession, which is amazing considering how many things I've "misplaced" over the years.

Prince, your girl's raspberry beret has got nothing on my blueberry beret.

Now I'm suddenly inspired at how many of my old clothes I can revive (if I can find them), which will be helpful considering money is getting tight. My old beret, which is still in good shape, some shoe polish on my old boots, a few stitches to mend my old favorite but frayed blouses, and I could be good to go!

Above: Not as happy about this as I am.