Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Life is better with a dog

Disclaimer: I know I'm turning into an annoying dog owner. But I just have to say: living with a dog for just two months now has actually improved my life. Here's how!

I exercise. Before having a dog, I would use my treadmill, maybe, two or three times a week, in addition to one leisurely walk per day. Mr. P and I used to walk on the slow side - no speed walking for us, no siree! But now, not only do we have to walk at least twice daily (usually three times), we have to walk a few miles in the morning to properly tire out the dog, and at a rather brisk pace. Mr. P has already dropped two pant sizes, and his latest new pair of jeans is already falling off him! I feel a little firmer, too, though I'm not sure if I've lost inches or weight. My energy level is definitely better, though.

I smile in the mornings. I've never been a morning person, and as I get older, I worry about things, so I used to start every morning with thoughts of dread. Isn't that sad? But now, even if I have the same worries, seeing the dog smile and wag his tail at me first thing in the morning makes me smile, too.

I am more organized. Whatever is not put away - especially shoes - is fair game for the dog. Dutchie believes that all paper exists for his shredding amusement. Which is annoying, and I hope he grows out of this, but in the meantime, I need to pick up after myself. I forgot how "the dog ate my homework" was once a valid excuse.

I have moments of unabashed joy. You know how children have that innocent lust for life? So do dogs. When I play with Dutchie, I am able to escape my burdens and realize that running through a field at top speed is the greatest thing in the world.