Monday, December 21, 2009

The Year of Living Dangerously

I'm so sorry, my darlings, that I have been neglectful, but things have changed in Quesadelia Land (it's an actual place!), and I've had some thinking to do. Especially about this past year, ol' 2 thousand and 9. It was a weird one, no? It was...

The Year of Douchebag Famewhores (and even those who didn't mean to be famewhores but ended up being a douchebags)
- Jon Gosselin became Father of the Year, while wifey Kate took advantage of his cheatin', schemin' ways to garner pity and cash in- all to raise her huge brood, of course.
- Octomom became a household name, because she is not actually human but rather a spider who can lay hundreds of eggs at once.
- Balloon Boy sailed across the sky for a couple of nail-biting hours, at least we thought at the time. Manipulating the press and emergency services to become famous? Low. Manipulating your kids in order to manipulate the press to become famous? Pathetic.
- A couple crashed a party at the White House and became famous overnight. Congrats, annoying couple! Maybe after you pay your hefty fine (if you don't actually go to jail or something), you can earn it back by teaching classes on how to pose for pictures with Heads of State. That draping-over-the-Vice-President feat was impressive!
- Squeaky clean, super famous, super rich athlete Tiger Woods was busted for lustful excess. Are we really surprised? And do we really have sympathy for the Mrs.? I mean, it kind of sucks for her, but I'm thinking theirs was not exactly the love story of the decade. He was a rising star, and he bought her, and then he bought everything else he wanted. So now we know he's human. Let's move on.

The Year of Perplexing Celebrity Deaths
To be fair, every year we lose someone very famous, and that person is young, and we are all very sad. And interested in how/why it happened. But this year, it did feel like, for a while there, public figures were dropping like flies.
- We lost Natasha Richardson early in the year, and her death was sobering and tragic. She hit her head on a ski slope, and then she was gone. It didn't seem fair.
- Then we lost MICHAEL JACKSON, and who saw that one coming? In retrospect, yes, it was just a matter of time, but still. There was no one more famous, and there was no one with more cringe-inducing factors going into his demise.
- We lost Farrah Fawcett and Patrick Swayze to cancer.
- Now Brittany Murphy? Weird, sad, tragic.
I hope, when (if) I go to Heaven, I see all my favorite celebrities. May they be at peace.

The Year South Carolina Puts Itself on the Map
Fun Fact #1: My sister had a date with Governor Mark Sanford back when she was a debutante and he was a 20-something bachelor from a prominent family. She only remembered this fact when he made the news this year, in his very classy way. Then she thanked her lucky stars that they only had the one date, and she ended up marrying a cowboy from rural Georgia.
Fun Fact #2: That douche who heckled the President in the fall is my Dad's Congressman. I don't think he voted for him, but still.
Fun Fact #3: My Dad is always calling his Senator, Republican Lindsey Graham, an "asshole." (That's just a fun, bonus fact for S.C.)

Oh, and also, Gov. Mark Sanford refused (or tried to refuse?) the President's stimulus money to his state.
South Carolina: Proud and prouder!

The Year of Transition for Quesadelia
After more than a few uninspiring and career distracting jobs, Quesadelia is forced to succumb to her destiny and teach music. I may regret saying this, but I'm kind of glad the whole Recession thing happened. At least for me (and of course, it's all about MEEEEE), it has forced me to re-think, re-design, and start over. As a result, however, I will be stopping this blog. Oh, I'll still blog somewhere, but right now, I have to hunker down and write a bunch of articles for my teaching website, not to mention maintain the site, practice music, advertise, and start up another business or two. I have plans! And I kind of have to protect my online identity.

So, this is goodbye, at least for now. May 2010 be full of luck and blessings for you. I hope you will send me some good vibes, too. I will be in touch.