Thursday, June 5, 2008

I just got home from a spa vacation in Southern Utah, and folks, I am not ready to resume my regularly scheduled life. Visiting an exotic and new part of the country, exploring it in adventurous ways, and receiving spa treatments, all while spending quality time with my mom and sis turned out to be my idea of a nearly perfect vacation. I got to try meditation, qi gong, chi ball, and yoga for back injuries (joining my mom and sis on that one; I don't have a back injury, but I do have scoliosis, so it was helpful). I also got a spa body treatment, a reflexology massage, and an old fashioned, straight-up Swedish massage. Ahhhh. Additional highlights included: rock climbing (yikes.) and spending copious amounts of time in the spa steam room. Who knew Utah was so dry? Oh, yeah; I think I did know that.

The only thing that would have made this THE perfect vacation, other than having the hubby present, would be more gourmet meals. Alas, due to its spa status, Red Mountain's Spa's food was heavily on the healthy side, meaning lots of vegetarian meals (good), and much consideration for cutting the fat (not always good). I know I can afford to trim some fat, but I don't enjoy sacrificing flavor. I mean, the food was palatable, besides the occasional dry tofu fritter, and even, at times, quite good. But let's just say they don't subscribe to Julia Child's slogan: "If you're afraid of butter, you can use heavy cream."

Back only two days, Maryland paid me welcome by taking out a chunk of our old, sturdy maple tree, a fixture of the backyard. Yesterday, a viscious wind whipped through and, in no time at all, cracked and even uprooted some of the old and lovely neighborhood trees. This is the first time in my life I've ever had to make a home insurance claim.

My neighbors and I are already planning a New-Fence-Raising-Party. Yippee!