Monday, November 17, 2008

Recession Update: Home Entertainment

I read somewhere that "cable TV is the first to go" in an economic crisis. Well, they must have talked to our cat because that's exactly what we cut just last week. That's right: I'm one step away from shooting the TV!

My decision to cut the cable was partly motivated by a need to save money and partly by a need to decrease my tv watching. Comcast charges way too much for cable, but I also waste too much time watching mindless shows that I do not plan on watching.

Of course, I immediately regretted my decision as soon as it was gone and came very close to calling Comcast to tell them it was a big mistake and ask for them back like a lost lover. Luckily, I remembered my friend with benefits, good ol' Interweb, which offers an abundance of tv, so I think all will be ok. At least until this storm blows over and I pick up a book again.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to adjust those rabbit ears again. PBS has a finicky signal.