Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dog v. Cat: the timeless battle

Dutchie's To Do list: Friday, Dec. 12

-go walkies with new mom and dad
-eat kibble
-destroy tennis ball
-run around like a big goof (new mom and dad seem to enjoy that)
-avoid cat
-try again to claim bed (new mom will eventually be worn down)
-take several well-earned naps
-work on bone
-avoid cat (must keep reminding myself)
-keep charm and cuteness on at all times

Vinny's To Do list: Friday, Dec. 12



Folks, I am the proud new "mom" of a sprightly, sweet, pit bull terrier named Dutchie. He came to us on Tuesday, after only a week of having found him through our vet and meeting him one time with his foster parents. Rescued as a stray from New Orleans, he acts like he lives a charmed life (I guess he does now!), and already he displays signs of great awareness and intelligence. I know it sounds corny to dote this way over a dog, but I admit, I am a bit in awe. And in love. While the addition has been a shock to my system, I find myself thinking, "this is not like the dogs I'm used to." Growing up with retrievers, I am accustomed to dogs who are sweet to a fault and simply cool with anything you want to do with them. I adore retrievers; actually, I adore all dogs, but this dog... I dunno. I can't help thinking that this dog makes the retrievers I have known look dumb. I know! I feel a little guilty saying that, but it's true. There is something else churning behind Dutchie's eyes. Not malicious, just... something. In the back of my mind, I have hopes that we can turn Dutchie into a therapy dog, but we will see all in good time.

Meanwhile, our cat Vinny is having a bit of a rough time. He's been ok with dog visitors before, though somewhat aggressive (chasing down my mom's labrador, cornering my in-laws' shitzus), but this time he is even more freaked out. To him, a curious, big-jawed canine hanging around his space and never leaving must be scary. Vinny has been an only child for 11 years, after all.

So, that's what's new with me. Good thing I cut my cable, because not only do I not have time to watch tv due to watching the dog all the time, I may actually find him more entertaining than cable. It was all I could do last night as I attempted to catch up on Top Chef to take my eyes off the dog as he pounced like a kitten on a tennis ball. (Yes, a kitten. Yes, I am a crazy dog owner now.)