Monday, January 19, 2009

We shall continue to overcome

This is a fascinating little video of an interview with MLK, Jr., in 1964, speaking about the possibility of a black president of the U.S. God bless the man whose faith in humanity made him one of the greatest civil rights leaders of all time. I know he will be looking down on all of us with a smile on Tuesday.

I will not be "blogging the 'Naug," as I plan to enjoy it from the warmth of my home. Since I missed the boat on buying tickets, I am not willing to sit for 6 to 10 hours in the freezing cold just to watch the show on a jumbotron. I feel bad about "missing history," but actually, I feel very much a part of it all. Even yesterday, Sunday, I sang in a special MLK/Inaugural church service downtown, and after singing a few spirituals, the choir processed down the aisle to close the service with the hymn, "We Shall Overcome." This hymn always makes me cry just to hear it, so singing it was a near impossibility for me. As I stood beside a pew during the last verse, a congregation member reached out and took my hand. A few seconds later, the preacher urged all of us to do the same, and within seconds, the whole church was holding hands and singing this spiritual anthem. It was beautiful.

Happy New Era, America!