Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Holy Smokes; this is Big!

Can you imagine if Obama had lost this past election? Worse, he won, but the election was stolen from him? Even worse: he ran against Bush (for a 3rd term), and Bush stole the election? Of course, that would never happen in our country. But if it had, we would be like Iran, right?

I was both highly anticipating and dreading the election last November, because I knew if Obama lost - even fair and square- there would be some mightily irate citizens on the streets. (Read: there would be riots. Like April 1968. Entire neighborhoods destroyed.) Thankfully, not only did he win, but there was, for the most part, joy in the land.

Which is why I am positively transfixed upon the news coming out of Iran the last few days. A revolution is being waged in a large and globally important country in the world. A thirty year-old institution of power is being threatened. The people - just regular citizens - are rising up and asking for their fair share. And, in an unprecedented fashion, information technology is playing a vital role.

The fate of the Middle East may ride on what happens next in Iran. History is unfolding, again! Are you paying attention?