Friday, October 23, 2009

I'm Not Dressing as a Republican This Year

Eight more days till Halloween! This year, not only does it fall on a Saturday, it's also day-light savings, so you're practically required to go out. Of course, I have no plans, as I am just another 30-something kidless loser who still insists on dressing up somehow and going out somewhere on her favorite holiday. Oh, well.

So, what are you going as? I have ruled out the obligatory Michael Jackson zombie and sexy Watchmen chick in favor of something lower maintenance: swine flu, perhaps. Hey, scrubs and pig ears - it's easy and topical! I know! Yes, you can steal my idea if you want.

I was just cruisin' the internets for something Halloweeny to link to, and I think I found something, at least for today. Do you know what's super creepy? Victorian post-mortem photography. (Warning: this may be more than a little disturbing if you have kids. I don't know. It's super creepy, so just keep some emotional distance, at least.) If you saw that film The Others, you might remember when they stumbled upon the "Book of the Dead," a moment I personally found to be one of the scariest parts of the film. I've never forgotten it.

So, enjoy! Coming up next: creepy dolls.