Friday, October 30, 2009

Let's Go Visit Some Graves, Kids!

I positively love this concept: graveyard tourism!

If this isn't "me," I don't know what is. I think cemeteries are fascinating and I love to visit them. Although, I didn't always feel this way. It was living in France that helped me to "discover" cemeteries. Not only are tons of famous people buried in cemeteries throughout Paris, but they so peaceful and serene. (well, duh - of course they're peaceful; bunch of dead people there!) No, but I mean, in the middle of a dense and busy city, it's rather relaxing to sit for a spell in a Parisian cemetery. It's like a park, but with lots of personal history around you. Also, cemeteries in France are especially lovely on Nov. 1, the day after Halloween, when families lay flowers on the graves of their loved ones. Mix those flowers with the colors of the fall leaves, and it's quite a sight.

I dunno. I must be a goth at heart.