Saturday, December 29, 2007

Resolve THIS

You may have noticed that I tend to be a bit list-y, and I apologize if reading other people’s lists is not your cup of tea, though they can be very funny sometimes. I find lists to be my friends, especially in times of stress, which has been most of this year. They help me to organize my thoughts, and I can’t help thinking that they may be the vestiges an “organization gene” barely inherited from my compulsive mother. My mother, who, God bless her, follows a long line of bossy, OCD women, wonders over me and how I did not inherit said organization gene, to which I reply, but I can make a mean list!

Like at New Year’s. I love New Year’s resolutions, and I love listing them. I often have boring resolutions, like “exercise more,” “eat less junk,” and “get out of bed before 9,” that kind of thing. This year, I thought I’d come up with some fun ones, especially since this year I am more in need of serious, boring reminders, er, resolutions, than ever before. Here goes.

Drink more rum. I was thinking, I don’t drink many rum drinks. And rum is so fun! The words almost rhyme. Rum can both warm you up, as in a hot toddy, and cool you down, as in a mojito. Rum is universal, consumed from chilly Britain to the hot Caribbean. Rum is sweet as candy, unlike, say, gin, which is harsh and dry, or vodka, which makes me scrunch up my face when I down a sip, or brandy, which makes my esophagus burn. Honestly, I’m not a big drinker, but a cocktail from time to time makes me feel like I’m really living it up. The best thing about this resolution is: I drink one rum drink, and I can check it off, because I almost never drink rum. Cheers!

Dance more. Again, don’t do this nearly enough. I feel like such a blob this year, as I exercise very little. I’m not sure walking to the metro counts. I’m talking, really sweat. I love belly dancing, ballroom dancing, even stupid dancing. (That would be what I do free-form at weddings and the like.) Even if I can never commit to a dance class, I could go out to some of those Cuban bars (with the mojitos, hello, resolution #1!), and Mr. P and I could get down. That’d be fun. I think I must check this resolution off at least twice a month.

Keep joy in my artistic work, dignity in my day job, pay bills on time, balance my checkbook, (or at least keep track of expenses) iron out my mental issues, stay physically healthy and fit, finish the home remodel, practice acceptance, compassion, and patience, and maintain a positive attitude.
Ok, so maybe I have only two fun resolutions and whole slew of serious ones. I know what I need to do this year, and most of it will require hard work, perseverance, and patience.

According to Chinese astrology, 2008 will be the Year of the Rat. I was born in the Year of the Rat, and they say that a rat year is a good year to make a fresh start.

Here’s hoping a little Rat Luck will be on my side, and yours, too, this New Year.