Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday Musings

I have been watching Top Chef a little bit (not wholly committing to it, but dropping in from time to time), and my observations are the following:

1. a chef with an eyebrow piercing (Lisa) is disturbing. It seems somehow unhygienic. I know, I sound really conservative and square now; after all, what is the difference, really, between having one's ears pierced and having an eyebrow piercing? Well, one is a hole in one's FACE, how about that?
2. Said eyebrow piercing (I keep typing "eyebrown") is not as disturbing as a chef with an affinity to fedoras (Spike). In principle, I am anti-fedora. This hat should be banned everywhere except, perhaps, in the brothels of Buenos Aires where they most likely originated with the first dancers of Tango.
What? Those brothels don't exist anymore? Fine.

And furthermore:
3. My election fervor has officially worn off. I knew it would; it was just a question of when. I am tired of divided elections, and I have decided that the three candidates (yes, all three) will essentially be the same, except that one will most likely invade Iran, and the other two will be brow-beaten into invading Iran. Cynic, much? Yep. I'm cynical.

Perhaps I will start a new "Friday Musings" every week, as a therapeutic means of getting things off my chest. Thank you for listening, and stay tuned!

above: I can forgive a dachsund wearing a fedora, maybe, but not the person who put there, 'k?