Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Looking a gift horse...huh?

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: Patches the Horse.

I don't post this video because I want to share it with the world (ok, maybe a little bit), but because I want to talk about something. Thinking it was cute, amusing, and just a tiny bit disturbing, I showed the video to Mr. P, who chuckled over it, mused over how a horse can eat cheeseburgers, and then, about 5 minutes later, asked me, eh hem, exactly how much ___ I smoked in college. !! Why ever do you ask, I inquired. Oh, no reason. Does this have something to do with how easily amused I am by animal videos? Or, anything at all for that matter? I dunno, he answered.

Um, folks, I'm just a tad bit offended by this line of questioning. Does one have to be a p--head, or former p--head to find horses riding in cars funny? Just how serious a world do we live in? I realize that the internet gives everyone and his horse an opportunity to make themselves famous, but I claim that this is not a bad thing. Because, for someone like myself who thinks chia pets are the most hilarious things in the world, there are ample opportunities to distract myself from the sting of "real life" and live vicariously through animals who are unknowingly personified by their humans.

Look, my own cat is the greatest force of comic relief in our household, and you don't need to inhale catnip to appreciate that.