Thursday, May 8, 2008

Joyeaux anniversaire a moi

When I lived in France, I loved having my birthday, because it was a national holiday: "Victory Day," or the day France was liberated from Nazi occupation at the end of WWII. Today, May 8, is my birthday, and this year I turn the same age as Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana were at the time of their death. Happy thought! Good thing I'm not a blonde, royal, uber-famous bombshell.

Mozart was also almost my age at the time of his death.

I share birthdays with Melissa Gilbert, Enrique Iglesias, and Ray Whitney (same year), a Canadian ice hockey player, whom I don't know, but he is very cute.

My horoscope for this coming year suggests that powerful, transformative energy is at my disposal this year, but the results will depend on how I handle it. Channeled positively, I could "move mountains," but if mishandled, I could be argumentative, stressed, and hell-bent on having my way. Well, that would explain a lot.

Yikes, now I see that Anna Nicole Smith was also this age at her death. Sounds like for this year, more than anything, I better watch my back.

Edited to add:
I just heard this chant, from a woman in my office who shares my b-day:

Hooray, hooray for the 8th of May!
Hooray, it's outdoor intercourse day!

I'm going to pick up so much more traffic for that language.