Monday, May 25, 2009

As the Parents Turn

I received a happy surprise early last year when my father, who lives deep in the low country of South Carolina, informed me that he would be voting for Barak Obama in the Democratic primary. I almost dropped my phone, but I should have seen it coming. My dad had been conservative for a long time and in more ways that one, but he started to break from his Republican voting ways when Bush the Younger ran for president. However, a vote for Obama (and in the primary, no less) would be his first vote for a Democrat I think, ever.

The weirdness has not stopped here. Dear ol' Dad, former carnivore, is now a vegetarian. Technically, he is a vegan, because he is also avoiding dairy and eggs, but he hasn't yet owned up to this title. Sometime last year, (about the time he started voting democratic, coincidentally enough) his doctor informed him that he may need to get a heart valve replacement in a few years. He immediately began researching heart disease and diets, and he honed in on a diet recommendation developed by an actual heart doctor: a vegetarian diet. I won't link to it here because I don't remember the name of the book or the doctor, but the book is a best seller and the diet is being practiced by an entire fire station in Austin, Texas. (Manly men who fight fires can eat vegetarian!) What is shocking to me about my Dad's change of heart (!!), is my memory of eating vegetarian myself during my college days, and my dad silently thinking I was a freak for doing so. Ok, maybe that's not fair; maybe he just didn't completely understand, but that's what I was picking up on.

And NOW, my mother (my parents are divorced) has begun protesting. That is: she went to one of those "tea parties" on Tax Day. When I phoned her up late in the afternoon of April 15 to ask her an unrelated question, she informed me, in a tone of irony, that she had just been to a "tea party." I figured she had gone to one of her old-lady sorority gatherings, so I just said, "that's nice." She went on to describe the sign they made, and how there were many different kinds of people there, "democrats and republicans," and how the turn out was pretty good. "Oh. Oh! You went to one of those?!" And my immediate thought was, they watch too much Fox News. Which is true.

But hey, should I be more understanding? Open minded? Proud? After all, my parents are becoming me in college!