Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Who and What is Annoying Me Lately: May '09

1. Movies in theatres. There are so many bad movies out right now! I just saw Terminator, but only because I was desperate to get out of the house and get me some cheap entertainment. Aside from a few helicopter crashes and interesting chase scenes, it was pretty much a bore. But what else am I supposed to see? Tom Hanks in the Vatican Library? Ben Stiller fighting monkeys at the museum? Star Freakin' Trek?? God!

2. Susan Boyle. Look, I don't want to be a hater. I've already complained once about her hype, and now it seems that her 15 minutes are turning into an hour. Can we all chip in and send her a good voice teacher, STAT? She is just not. that. good. OK? Let it go, tone deaf people.

3. Ashton Kutcher as the King of Twitter. I'm giving twitter a chance, because it looks like you can discover many cool things there (it's like surfing the net, but in a condensed and hyper-fast way), but Ashton is not my oracle, and if he is yours, you need a life.

4. Job Search Scams. I just got conned by a job advertisement and the subsequent submission of my information and resume. I don't think they've stolen my identity (yet), but I got my revenge by reporting them to the authorities. Scammers preying on vulnerable job seekers belong in the 4th circle of Hell, the one meant for the greedy, where they make you push around money bags.

5. Reality Show "Celebrities." Am I really supposed to feel sorry for "celebrities" who decide to do reality shows in order "to provide for their families?" If you have done one of the following: sold a Senate seat, famewhored out your D-List self, or complained about the cheating husband who fathered your eight babies, I am probably less likely to watch your stupid show.