Thursday, August 20, 2009

I am thinking of my voice teacher today. He and his wife lost their 20 year-old son in the Pan Am flight that was bombed and crashed in Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988. He had been studying abroad and was returning home for the holidays. He was a student at Syracuse University and was studying music.

Today, August 20, Scotland lets the only convicted man from that bombing return home to die of cancer. Today, August 20, is also the birthday of this boy, who would have turned 41 today.

It's a gross irony. I only know about it because I looked up the information on the victim website. I haven't seen my voice teacher in two weeks, but I wonder what he is thinking today.

God bless the innocent victims and the families of victims who suffer from senseless violence and terror. I hope there is a special place in Heaven for all of them.

Updated, 8/28: I found a quote from my teacher in a newspaper about the release. He said:

"I am thinking as a decent human being. Let the man go and die in his own country -- he's dying anyhow. Keeping him in prison is not going to cure the illness that this whole thing is an example of, the killings and murders and the things that go on in mankind."