Saturday, August 30, 2008

The more things change, the more they stay the same

While tidying up yesterday, I picked up my baby book and started to thumb through it. Tucked in the back were the front pages of two newspapers dated Sept. 1973, about a year and a half after I was born. My mother had kept them because the main headlines were about a hurricane named after me. (well, not really named after me, just sharing my first name.)

I thought, cool, historic newspapers! I wonder what was going on in the world in 1973?

Well, folks, what was going on in 1973 is pretty close to what is going on in 2008. Here is what I gleaned from the yellowing newsprint:

1. Senator Edward Kennedy was in the process of proposing a national health care plan.

2. There was an investigation into the premature death of an actor (Bruce Lee).

3. A dangerous hurricane was bearing down on the gulf coast.

There were, however, some subtle differences:

Super Fly, at the drive-in! A triple feature with a western and 70s soft core.

And, more blaxpoitation; or, otherwise, a 70s classic (sorry for the photo quality):

Yes, that says "6 foot 2" of Dynamite!" It also says, above "Loews Palace:" Air Conditioned.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

The difference between The Onion and

The Onion is kidding. Otherwise, the headlines are pretty much the same.

So, I'm eyeballing the headlines on just now, ticking off Obama this, McCain that, Putin blames the US, some sharks ate some guys in Florida, Jesus' image seen on wings of a moth, Gustav is closing in on Jam- Wait, huh?

Are they really serious with the Jesus seen in ___ and the Virgin Mary spotted in ___ stuff? Why are these "stories" still (or, ever) making top headlines? Have we become a nation of such religious freaks that we can't even look at a stain on a window/cheeto/flying insect without invoking Christian imagery? Stop giving Bill Maher more material, people.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Does it make me silly/shallow/a bad feminist if:

a) I'm flattered when someone tells me I'm pretty (man or woman) (and not a pick-up line)


b) I'm a little moved when a man carries something heavy for me?

Just wondering.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I needed a good scare

These animated short webisodes (?) promoting Stephen King's upcoming book are entertaining and scaring me.

Following these videos with my latest read, A Good and Happy Child, is making it hard for me to sleep at night. And I love it!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Heaven is a bowl of ice cream

How am I just finding out about Moorenko's Ice Cream?? They've had a cafe in McLean since 2000, and one in Silver Spring since 2003, but somehow, they have slipped under my quest for cream radar until now. I didn't even discover the cafes; I found their tiny little pints shyly staring back at me in the freezers of Whole Foods. Three lone little cartons with the flavors wild blueberry, rice pudding and creme fraiche. Wait, creme fraiche?? How did no one think of this marriage-in-heaven flavor before?

Holy Smoking Lord, this is good ice cream. Somehow these geniuses have combined the natural creaminess of gelato with the texture of American ice cream, and they didn't have to inject their cows with hormones to make it. All natural, and super delicious. They even manage to invent, and re-invent, creative flavors.

I think I'm in love.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Even Bigfoot is fed up

So, allegedly, a cadaver of Bigfoot has been found, the finders are defending it, and they have sent the body to scientists to test it. Whoa! (I won't link to the story because it's everywhere, and it's changing daily) Just last month I was reading the cover story from the DC City Paper about William Draginis, a specialist in surveillance equipment, who has been tracking Bigfoot for, I forget, like 15 years or something. Now, he, like everyone, is skeptical. (His is a fascinating story, by the way; I'll link to it when I locate it again).

I'm skeptical, too. Unfortunately, there are several scents of rat in this claim: these people run a Bigfoot tracking company, and, one of these guys has been responsible for a hoax before. It's hard to believe that they (of all people) just stumbled upon this massive dead body in the woods, even though a body is precisely what's needed to prove the existence of the elusive Bigfoot.

Noted primatologist Jane Goodall herself has stated that she doesn't disbelieve the notion of Bigfoot; she thinks it's highly possible that "he" exists, but a body - or bones - is needed. I believe, however, it would almost signify the end of an era if it were proven true; once a mystery is made a reality, it isn't so much fun anymore. I'm not sure we need worry just yet, though; these guys are very likely clowns, and when their "body" turns out to be an elaborate hoax and publicity stunt, Bigfoot enthusiasts - as well as myself - are going to be mightily pissed.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Madame, please.

Now that I've kvetched about China, allow me to pick a bone about the US. Did you catch Nancy Pelosi on Larry King yesterday? Of course you didn't; you're smart and don't watch Larry King. The man annoys to no end, after all. Well, I got tired of the Olympics (see previous post) and had to change the channel, and God, there really is nothing on in the Summer, is there. There was Pelosi, doing the crazy face and saying nothing substantial about the invasion of Georgia. I thought, Pelosi sure is talking a lot to the media these days. Then I realized why. She's shilling her book.

I'm glad we have a Madame Speaker of the House for the first time, and I'd be glad to see more and more women in positions of power, but is it appropriate for her to be pushing her book while still in office? Isn't the point of being a role model of female power to pass policies, criticize the president, and actually make a difference? Doesn't she have bigger fish to fry at the moment?

I am so over our government.

With apologizes to Chinese-Americans, and other Chinese friends

I really don't like China. Look, I'm sorry. I know they have an important history and a rich culture, and I know they've contributed so much to other cultures in this world, and I'm sure there are many Chinese individuals who are wonderful. In fact, I know that. I don't hate Chinese people, but I have a strong dislike for the nation at large. Their record on human rights - not to mention cruelty to animals - is appalling. Chairman Mao, who is regarded as a hero, was a cruel dictator who killed a lot of people. And, apparently, the Olympics Opening Ceremony was completely digitally altered. Ok, so that last statement was more tongue-in-cheek, but still. Get over yourself, China. And please quit eating dogs.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The truth is out there, darn it!

I'm kind of excited about this recent event, about a strange misty figure caught on a school surveillance camera in the middle of the night. As a lover of the paranormal, I don't go hunting for ghosts - and don't really care to see one for real - but I like that there are happenings out there that we, in all our intellectual logic, cannot explain. This find is better than anything the Ghost Hunters on SciFi have found.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Mole breath

The cat who owns this adorable face, above, killed a mole yesterday, ate it, and threw up the skin, in our bedroom, in the middle of the night.

You're welcome.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cranky + Grumpy = Crumpy

I was on the phone with my dad yesterday, lecturing him on promoting his art. He's retired now, and he's finally finding time to devote himself to painting. During this time, he has found - in my opinion - a vision and style, and I think he's ready to take the paintings to posh galleries and slap some high prices on them. However, he is much like me, that is, challenged in the self-esteem department. My step mother, who has been an avid supporter and mate to my father for over 10 years now, God bless her, was listening in on speaker phone, and she commented, "y'all can help each other. After all, you're so much alike!" My dad chuckled and added, "yeah, we're both cranky!"

Um. How did he know that? I mean, I don't think I grew up being cranky all the time. I don't think I'm cranky around my dad now; I do try to watch my attitude with family. When I told Mr. P about the comment, he, too, chuckled. "Sweetie," he said. "Everyone knows you're cranky."

Urgh! That just makes me grumpy.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The eyes have it

On the way into work this morning, a woman on the train said to me, "You have the most beautiful eyes!" I thanked her, and she replied, "Don't thank me! Thank the people who gave them to you!" Then she wondered how many people I had "given them to," which I perceived as a little gross, giving your eyes to someone, but I am eye-phobic. I also wondered if she meant how many people I had used my eyes to flirt with it, because in the South, after all, we do learn how to "give your eyes to someone." But she meant children, and when I told her I had not yet chosen to pass along my genes, she encouraged me to do so, many times over, because if she had eyes like mine, she would "give them to everyone!" Why, that's just about the best reason I've ever heard to breed.