Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Madame, please.

Now that I've kvetched about China, allow me to pick a bone about the US. Did you catch Nancy Pelosi on Larry King yesterday? Of course you didn't; you're smart and don't watch Larry King. The man annoys to no end, after all. Well, I got tired of the Olympics (see previous post) and had to change the channel, and God, there really is nothing on in the Summer, is there. There was Pelosi, doing the crazy face and saying nothing substantial about the invasion of Georgia. I thought, Pelosi sure is talking a lot to the media these days. Then I realized why. She's shilling her book.

I'm glad we have a Madame Speaker of the House for the first time, and I'd be glad to see more and more women in positions of power, but is it appropriate for her to be pushing her book while still in office? Isn't the point of being a role model of female power to pass policies, criticize the president, and actually make a difference? Doesn't she have bigger fish to fry at the moment?

I am so over our government.